sábado, maio 08, 2010

For my personal heartquake... :)

Never felt like this before. Never felt this urge, this raw desire, wanting, just wanting you to take me in your arms. I saw you, shy and unsure, not knowing how to deal with the fact that, now, most of people know who you are. I could have never guessed the passion you could hide.

The way you walk makes me weak, your smile give me chills, your gaze makes my heart skip a beat, your kiss sweeps me off my feet…

We don’t even need to talk; we can read everything in our eyes, both of us. And that’s scary, but so delicious at the same… the lust, and simply lust, desire, longing that I see in you is the same you notice in me, I know, and though it’s scary, I want to dive, fearless, I want to find out what are you made of.


Blogger LEO said...

WELL, Well well

11:20 da manhã  

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