quinta-feira, outubro 30, 2008

My bitter sweetheart

I'm not scared of you now
Or so I say
There's no reason to run
Although I may
I'm not as sure as I seem
This much I know
What does it mean you leave and I follow

I could try to forget what you do when I let you get
Through to me but then you do it over again
I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire
Til you get to me on my morningside

Keep my distance I tried
No use
But no matter the miles
I'm back to you

I could try to forget what you do when I let you get
Through to me but then you do it over again
I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain I desire
Til you get to me on my morningside

Sara Bareilles - Morning Side

( Oh God, please help me. )

quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2008



terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008


"Do you have conscience that this can crumble at any second?"

"Yes. But I won't go anywhere."

"You know that you life is priceless? That we need you at our side, not under a bunch of stones. You are too much important for all this people. It's not the building that matters, now. It's not the church. All this people are the church. You are. You are the reason that, even with the church crumbling, all the people come here to listen to you."

"Maybe you're right. But I won't go away, I'll not give up nor give in. I'll stay."

"You'll probably die in here."

"I know that can happen. But I'll stay."

"I knew you would do this. Well, I'll stay with you."


"Oh, don't you dare look at me that way. I'll stay here, to watch over you. I promised that I would be by your side come what may. And I'll honor that."
"Anyway, we all die one day... And if I die in here... at least I die next to someone I love and admire above all men. And that, my dear friend, it's priceless."
*lighting a ciggy, and laugh*
"And admite it, you need someone to watch over you!"

quinta-feira, outubro 09, 2008

Casamento ou não, eis a questão!

Anda por aí uma grande discussão sócio-político-televisiva sobre o casamento entre homossexuais. Honestamente, acho o tema já gasto, e a finalização óbvia e simples. Interessante a valer acho as expressões utilizadas:

"... ao invés dos casamentos normais... nos casamentos comuns... nos casamentos usuais..."

Que raio querem eles dizer com isto?! Eu não sou lésbica, sou uma heterossexual assumida e de bem com a vida, mas o que eu não acho normal é em pleno século XXI ainda ouvir expressões como esta. Comum? Normal? Usual? Quer dizer que um casamento homossexual é um casamento anormal? Que nunca será comum?

Que me perdoem os nossos pedantes jornalistas, sábios comentadores televisivos, e cautelosos políticos. Para mim, um casamento anormal é um casamento abusivo, onde um dos companheiros agride fisicamente o outro. Onde um dos companheiros abusa psicologicamente do outro. Onde crianças são tomadas como armas numa luta infinda pela supremacia dentro do matrimónio. Anormal é abusarem de crianças, agredirem-nas. Anormal é continuarem a educá-las com uma visão tacanha acerca do mundo.

Sou a pior pessoa do mundo para defender os homossexuais porque para mim não são diferentes. Que me desculpem todos os meus amigos e amigas homossexuais, mas como bem sabem, para mim nem se devia colocar a hipótese de adquirirem direitos, porque lutarem por direitos é considerarem-se diferentes, quando não o são. São cidadãos como todos os outros, seres humanos como todos os outros, homens e mulheres que pensam, sentem e amam, como todos os outros.

Meus senhores, vamos lá a abrir a pestana e pôr os dois pezinhos no século XXI. Vá lá, não custa nada...

quinta-feira, outubro 02, 2008

Sem comentários

Ainda dizem que beber não ajuda a esquecer...

G'anda bebedeira!

quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008

Just for you

All my life, I always had a knack to take decisions. They weren't always the best, the brightest. The easier or the cleverer ones. But everytime I had a bump on the road, I could manage to sit, think and decide. This time is different. I don't know why, I simply can't. It's too tricky, I guess, to complex to me. Or simply it's a decision I never imagined I had to take.

I'm sorry if you're suffering. Believe me, I never wanted you to suffer; in fact, I care for you too much to desire you any pain. I respect and admire you, and God knows that every night I pray for your hapiness. Alas, I'm making you bitter.

I'm bitter too. I don't know what to do. I never answered your question, I couldn't, it's too much responsability, to ask a man to drop everything he is, and in change, all he gets it's me. I could answer your question right now, here, but I believe that you want to hear it; probably you read it in my eyes, you always had your way with me, to read my mind, right?

We're both scared because we both have the same problem: we don't want to give our hearts away, and watch them being broken, shattered like glass again. I saw it in your eyes, you're scared to death. Me too. I never stopped to think why you are a constant in my life for the last ten years. I never stopped to evaluate how much importance you have in my life. I never stopped to understand why I can't live without you.